Command Description

The Inspect Line Nodes command allows the user the ability to select a line and report the elevation, chainage, azimuth, and grades for all the nodes along the line. Annotate results to a text layer and/or create an excel report.

Measurement Tab

  1. Select a line to report.

  2. Check the Add text on measurement box to place the measurements directly on the screen as you select each location. The settings for text display are on the Text tab.

  3. The Configure columns button allows the user to nominate which measured values are displayed in the measurements text box and reported.

  4. Press the Create Report button to create an excel file of the data in the Measurements text box.

  5. Press the Clear button to clear the measurements text box.

Text Tab

  1. Go to the Text tab to draw the measurements taken and recorded in the measurement tab to text.
    • Define the LayerA layer called “Text – InspectLineNodes” is automatically created.
    • Choose a Color.
    • Choose a text Style.
    • Enter a text Height.
    • Enter a Gap between the location and the start of the text (moves to the left or right).
    • Check the Draw leader line with gap box to add a leader line when a gap has been used.
    • Check the Draw grade arrows box to annotate direction arrows and grade text on each segment.
    • Check Align text square to line to draw text perpendicular to the line selected.
    • Check Include data prefix to include the “Data” type as a prefix to the text on screen. The values available will depend on the mode chosen.
      • Chainage – Chainage of nodes along the line.
      • Elevation – Elevation of nodes along the line.
      • Segment Grade – Horizontal Slope between nodes on the line.
      • Segment Azimuth – Azimuth between nodes on the line.
      • Segment Slope Dist – The 3D slope distance between nodes on the line.
  2. Create Text button will create text of all the measurements taken and currently active on the Measurement tab.

  3. Clear Layer button will delete everything on the selected layer that contains the text.

Example: Report & Visual in TBC

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