Command Description

The Create Slope Markers command enables the user to select a control line and two other lines, generally the top and toe of an embankment and create markers between them perpendicular to the control line at nominated intervals.

  1. Select a Control Line – This is the line the markers will run perpendicular too. Option to change the selection highlight colour.

  2. Select a Line 1 – This is the top or toe of embankment. Option to change the selection highlight colour.

  3. Select a Line 2 – This is the other top or toe of embankment. Option to change the selection highlight colour.

  4. The Start chainage and End chainage will be set using the chainages from Line 1 and 2 as best possible. Select in the boxes to edit the values as required.

  5. Slope Markers drawing controls:
    • Select or create a Layer for the slope markers to be placed.
    • Select a Color for the slope markers.
    • Major Lines:
      • Spacing – set the “control line” chainage interval for the major lines.
      • Start Gap – set the distance in from the start chainage that the first line is drawn.
      • End Gap – set the distance in from the end chainage that the last line is drawn.
      • Major Indicator Length % - set the percentage for the line to be drawn between the line 1 and line 2. 100% will touch both lines.
      • Check the Minor Lines box to add secondary lines to the display.
      • Minor Indicator Length % - set the percentage for the line to be drawn between the line 1 and line 2. 100% will touch both lines.
      • Minor Indicator Interval – set the number of minor lines to be drawn between the major lines.
  6. Do either of the following:
    • Click Apply to create lines and keep the Create Slope Markers command pane open.
    • Click OK to create lines and close the Create Slope Markers command pane.



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