Command Description

The Adjust Level by Attribute command allows you to use the attribute values of points and linestrings to adjust their level. This will also work on points prior to processing their feature codes.

  • Click in the Entities selection field and then in a graphic view select the lines/points. Click Options button for additional selection options.
  • Select the type of attribute to be used on the line or point.
    • FXL – for feature attributes
    • 12D – for 12d attributes
  • Enter the target attribute name into the appropriate elevation type. If more then one field is filled out, then they will be applied in order from top to bottom.
    • Absolute – This will set the elevation of the line or point to the attribute value.
    • Offset – This will adjust the elevation of the line or point by the attribute value with a positive number going in an upward direction.
    • Depth offset – This will adjust the elevation of the line or point by the attribute value with a positive number going in a downward direction.
  • Click Apply to adjust the levels on the target objects.
  • Click Close to end and close the Adjust Level by Attribute command pane.

Note: Any Linestrings with elevation edits and that contain vertical tab data will have their levels converted to the horizontal tab and if controlled by point ID, they will be converted to be controlled by coordinates. Only works on points and linestrings.

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