Command Description

The Rename Objects command gives you a comprehensive way to assign new names and/or layers to selected objects using multiple options.

At the top of the command pane there is the ability to load and save a settings file. Once you have populated the command with the appropriate settings you can save it in a file that can be reloaded in the future.

Basic Mode:

  1. Click in the Entity selection field and then in a graphic view select the objects which you want to add a prefix and/or suffix to. Click Options for additional selection options.

  2. In Rename, enter a Prefix and/or Suffix as required.

  3. Check the Move to layer option to move the renamed objects to a new layer.

  4. Click Apply to rename the objects.

Advanced Mode:

  1. Click in the Entity selection field and then in a graphic view select the objects which you want to rename. Click Options for additional selection options.

  2. In Remove, input any text you would like to remove from the objects name. This can be a whole word or single characters. Note: this is case sensitive. For points it relates to the “Point ID” and for linestrings it relates to the “Name”.

  3. In New name, input the text to rename the object to and/or use the place holders to change the name based on the object’s properties. Note: for the attribute place holder {attribute x} input the attribute name in place of the x e.g. {attribute Diameter}. If you use the {name} place holder and have removed characters in the “Remove” section above, then the updated name will be used.

  4. Check None to keep the objects on their current layers.

  5. Check the Move to layer option to move the renamed objects to a new layer.

  6. Or check Create new layers and input a new layer name where you can use the place holders to populate the name based on the object’s properties. Note: If you use a {name} place holder then the value used will be whatever the name of the object is after the rename has been performed.

  7. Click Apply to rename the objects.

Place holders:

To add a place holder in the name you must use one of the options as shown below and they need to be contained within {}. You can use as many of these as you like.

{name} – This will use the name of the line selected or the point ID of a point.
{layer} – This will use the layer name of the object selected.
{code} – This will use the feature code of the point selected.
{attribute x} –This will use the valve from the attribute of the object selected when you type it after the word “attribute” where the letter “x” is.
{12dattribute x} – This will use the valve from the 12d attribute of the object selected when you type it after the word “12dattribute” where the letter “x” is. Note, if there are multiple attributes with the same name on an object then the first one in the list will be selected.
{easting} – This will use the easting of a point and the first node of a line/polygon.
{northing} – This will use the northing of a point and the first node of a line/polygon.
{elevation} – This will use the elevation of a point and the first node of a line/polygon.
{text} – This will use the closest text to name to the object based on its location. You must select the text at the same time as the object to rename. For points it uses the point being renamed as the location, for linestrings it uses the centroid of the line for the location.
{length} – This will use the length of a line or polygon.


Example: A new name for either the object or layer could be:

Current selected Object:

  • Name - “ITS Cable” on Layer – “E COMM”

Apply Rename:

  • Object Name to “{name} {attribute Diameter} Rev1” = “ITS Cable 150 Rev1”
  • Layer Name to “{layer}_{name}_{attribute Material} = “E COMM_ITS Cable 150 Rev1_PVC”

Note: This command does not work on CAD blocks.

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