Command Description
The Attribute Editor command allows you to edit, add or delete “feature attributes” and “12d attributes” on existing objects in TBC. This a flexible way to change the current attributes on a collection of objects and add “12d attributes” to new objects.
- Click in the Entities selection field and then in a graphic view select the objects which you want to edit the attributes of. Click Options for additional selection options.
- Select which attribute type required and enter the attribute name and value you wish to search, (you can enter * in the value to select all values for that name) then leave the second and third attribute options empty or add another to refine further. Once the mask is found true it then checks the attributes and if they are found true will select those objects. Note, these are decimal point sensitive and if there are multiple 12d attributes with the same name on an imported object then only the first one in the list will be read.Check the Filter selection to apply a custom filter to the selected objects. The Edit button can be used to change values during the process and the Isolate button if pressed will deselect all objects except those that match the filter settings.
Filter popout:
- In the Code/Name mask field, enter all or part (using the wildcard asterisk "*") of the name/ID or feature code of the object you want to filter.
- Name/Id – works on the name of an object or ID of a point.
- Feature code – works on the feature code of a point.
For example, if you enter *Fence* (preceded and followed by an asterisk), all objects with Fence in their name will be filtered. This would include, for example, FrontFence1, FrontFence2, and RearFence1.
Filter attributes can be applied to the above mask as a secondary filter option. This will work on “Feature attributes” or “12d attributes”.
- Select which attribute type required and enter the attribute name and value you wish to search, (you can enter * in the value to select all values for that name) then leave the second and third attribute options empty or add another to refine further. Once the mask is found true it then checks the attributes and if they are found true will select those objects. Note, these are decimal point sensitive and if there are multiple 12d attributes with the same name on an imported object then only the first one in the list will be read.
Filter attributes can be applied to the above mask as a secondary filter option. This will work on “Feature attributes” or “12d attributes”.
- In the Code/Name mask field, enter all or part (using the wildcard asterisk "*") of the name/ID or feature code of the object you want to filter.
Attribute type:
12D Attributes – Attributes imported from 12da files. These can be assigned to any of the following objects.
- Points
- CAD Points
- Linestrings
- Pipes
- Alignments
- Polygons
- Surfaces
- 3d Shells
- IFC Meshes
- Text
- Feature Attributes – Attributes assigned from an FXL file to an object as part of a feature.
12D Attributes – Attributes imported from 12da files. These can be assigned to any of the following objects.
- Based on the above selection, the attributes currently on the objects selected will be displayed in the panel. Feature attributes are broken into Name, Count, Code, Type and Value, while 12d attributes are displayed by Name, Count, Type and Value.
- Editing attributes – Any current attributes in the panel can have their values edited. Once a value is changed the attribute name will colour blue and remain that way until they are applied to the object.
Adding attributes – You can add a new attribute to an object by pressing the ‘Add’ button at the bottom of the panel. A box will pop up to select the attribute type and give it a new name. The new attributes in the panel will be coloured green and remain that way until they are applied to the object or the feature definition is edited.
Note: When adding a “Feature attribute” to a feature, once you press ‘Apply’ the new attributes are also added to the current FXL file in the TBC project. This will not add the “new” attribute to other objects with the same “Feature” in the project unless they were selected at the same time.
- Deleting attributes – You can delete any current attributes in the list by selecting it and pressing the ‘Delete’ button at the bottom of the panel. Attributes that have been deleted will colour red and remain that way until they are applied to the object.
Note: When deleting a “Feature attribute” from a feature, once you press ‘Apply’ the deleted attributes will be removed from the current FXL file in TBC and therefore also from any other object using that feature within that TBC project. - If attributes with the same name but varying values are selected the rows these occur on will be coloured pale yellow to indicate this.
- To edit the attribute definition for feature attributes, select the row in the table, and press the ‘Edit’ button at the bottom of the panel or double click on the attribute name. This will pop out a definition box for the attribute which can be edited. If the attribute is new and has not been applied, then it will automatically be applied at this stage. You can also edit these properties after they are applied within the FXL file under the project explorer. 12d attributes names can be edited in the same way.
- Click Apply to apply the changes and keep the Attribute Editor command pane open. The number of attribute edits, deletions and additions will be noted at the bottom of the panel.
Part of the operation of this command allows the user to add and delete “feature attributes” from objects within the TBC project and therefore also the FXL file in the project. The user needs to be aware that the effects are the same as when adding or deleting feature attributes manually from an FXL file.
- An updated FXL should be exported from the project to be used for future surveys, just the same as if you had updated the FXL manually.
- If copying the data via a VCL file to another TBC project, then the updated FXL file will also need to be in that project for it to import.
- If importing and processing JXL or JOB data that was recorded using the “old” FXL, any newly added feature attributes will also be added to this data but have blank values, and any deleted feature attributes will be removed from this data.
- It is not recommended to reprocess feature codes after modifying the attributes, as you may be left with duplicate points and lines.
Place holders:
To add a place holder in the attribute value you must use one of the options as shown below and they need to be contained within {}. You can use as many of these as you like. Note: these are all lower case.
These can be typed into the value field or right click in the value field and pick from the list.
{name} – This will use the name of the line selected or the point ID of a point.
{layer} – This will use the layer name of the object selected.
{group} – Layer group name of the object.
{code} – This will use the feature code of the point selected.
{attribute x} – This will use the valve from the “Feature attribute” of the object selected when you type its name after the word “attribute” where the letter “x” is.
{12dattribute x} – This will use the valve from the “12d attribute” of the object selected when you type its name after the word “12dattribute” where the letter “x” is. (Note, if there are multiple attributes with the same name on an object then the first one in the list will be selected.)
{easting} – This will use the easting of a point and the first node of a line.
{northing} – This will use the northing of a point and the first node of a line.
{elevation} – This will use the elevation of a point and the first node of a line.
{length} – This will use the length of a line or polygon.