You can add a unit specifier option to the smart text code to specify the length, area, or volume units used to display the data, overriding the default units specified in Project Settings. For example, if your Area Project Setting is square meter, by adding yd to the end of smart text code, you can display area units in your smart text as square yards instead of square meters. In the following example, the unit specifier option yd has been added to the end of the code for an area property (A) that is using the object selection option (O), display units option (T), and decimal precision option (3): @<A,O,T,3,yd>@

The following units are supported: 

Length Area Volume

m = Meter

ift = International foot

usft = US Survey foot

mm = Millimeter

cm = Centimeter

dm = Decimeter

km = Kilometer

in = Inch

yd = Yard

mi = Mile

ds = Display small

dl = Display large

m = Square meter

km = Square kilometer

ft = Square foot

yd = Square yard

ac = Acre

ha = Hectare

cm = Cubic meter

ml = Mega liter

cf= Cubic foot

cy = Cubic yard

af = Acre feet

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