The Optical spreadsheet in the Home tab is used to show all the raw data measurements inside of a TBC project.
Anything in grey in these tables are a physical measurement, blue is editable.
In cases where a measurement has been missed a ? will put in the view. The other thing to be aware of is if a measurement from the SX12 (Trimble) sits off the scan data in the same location. This will be when the wrong height has been put in the raw target height, so the prism height is entered rather than the staff height.
The grey column to the left of the cells is used to select rows and holding SHIFT and/or CTRL can be used to select multiple rows at once.
Selected information will show up in the properties and allow for multiple rows to be edited at once.
There are multiple ways to make any necessary edits:
- Click in each field and put the correct value in the cell.
- Click in each field and put the correct value in the Properties window.
- Select the row on the left side of the cells in the grey box and make the edits in the Properties.
- Select multiple rows in the left side and make the edit in the Properties for all selected rows.