Smart text supports the inclusion of simple math computations in the smart text code that are intended to modify the values displayed in the smart text (as applicable). For example, you could include a math computation option that automatically adds 6 default units to a line length displayed in the smart text. In the following example, |+6 has been added to the end of the code for a line length property (L) that is using the object selection option (O), display units option (T), and decimal precision option (3):
In this example, if the Distance Unit setting in Project Settings is meters, 6 meters are added to the actual line length when displayed in the smart text, regardless of the unit type selected for the text display. If you had added |+6ft to the code, 6 feet would be added to the length regardless of the Distance Unit setting in Project Settings and unit type selected for the text display.
Note: If math codes are used in a project and the project is opened in a TBC version prior to v5.10, the match codes are ignored. This will cause a different value to be displayed with no warning to the user.