Command Description

The 3D Object Report command enables you to select one or many 3d shell and IFC mesh objects and report their volumes, names and selected 12d attribute information to a table and then to a CSV file. 

Measurement Tab

  1. Click in the 3D Objects field and then in a graphic view select all the 3d shell and BIM objects you want to report. Click Options for additional selection options.
  2. Use the Add objects button to add the selected objects to the Measurements table.
  3. Use the Attribute columns button to enter attribute names of 12d attributes that you want to tabulate the values for. Enter one attribute name per line for as many as you like. These will be reported in addition to the default columns which list the name, layer and volume of each object.
  4. The Configure columns button allows you to nominate which measured values are displayed in the measurements text box and then also reported in the excel sheet.
  5. In the Measurements table you can select one or many lines and right click to delete them.
  6. Press the Create Report button to create an excel file of the data in the Measurements text box.
  7. Press the Clear button to clear the measurements text box.

Text Tab

  1. Go to the Text tab to draw the values recorded in the measurement tab to text on screen.
    • Define the Layer – A layer called “Text – 3DObjectReport” is automatically created.
    • Choose a Colour.
    • Choose a text Style.
    • Enter a text Height.
    • Enter a Gap between the location and the start of the text.
    • Check the Draw leader line with gap box to add a leader line when a gap has been used
    • Choose the Line style used when drawing the measurement line.
    • Check the Text on measurement line box to align the text along the measured line.
    • Check Include data prefix to include the “Data” type as a prefix to the text on screen.
  2. Create Text button will create text of all the measurements taken and shown in the Measurement tab at the centroid of the object.
  3. Clear Layer button will delete everything on the selected layer that contains the text.
  4. Click Close to end and close the 3D Object Report command pane.
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