Command Description
The Pavement Conformance Report command is a pavement conformance reporting tool that supports measuring vertical, perpendicular, cross-fall, pavement thickness and edge data. Various options for summary display and an option to visualise output in plan-view prior to creating report.
At the top of the command pane there is the ability to load and save a tolerance setting file. Once you have populated the command with the appropriate tolerances and setting for a report you can save it in a file that can be reloaded in the future.
Vertical tab
As-built points | Select As-built points to use in the report. |
Design Mode | Choose the Mode to use - Surface or Strings to conform the as-built points against. |
Surface | Choose a surface from the list. |
Strings |
This will create a surface projected between the left and right strings. |
Measure perpendicular | Check if you want the points to be tested perpendicular to the Design. |
Design offset | Enter the level distance from the design. This is vertical or perpendicular depending on the previous setting. |
Alignment | Select the control alignment to report chainage and offset. This is optional but must be used for computing XFall and Edge conformance report types. Option to change the selection highlight color and to select line from Reference files. |
Chainage grouping | Enter the distance to use to group points on the report. |
Restrict chainage Start chainage End chainage |
Check if you want chainages to be restricted between the Start Chainage and End Chainage you specify. |
Tolerances Upper Lower |
Enter the tolerance values to check and report against. Note that the tolerance direction will be applied the same as the measure mode. ie, if you select perpendicular then the tolerances are also applied perpendicularly. |
Include ID’s | Check if you want as-built point IDs included in the report |
Include Codes | Check if you want as-built point Codes included in the report |
Include easting/northing | Check if you want to report the easting and northing of the as-built point. |
Show non-conformance errors | Check if you want errors to be included in the body of the report. |
XFall tab
Include XFall | Check if you want to include cross-fail checking in the report. |
XFall tolerance | Enter the cross-fall tolerance to report against from design to as-built. |
Maximum chainage delta | Enter the maximum distance within which points will be checked (avoids irrelevant checks). |
Minimum offset delta | Enter the minimum offset distance between points to be checked for Xfall. |
Direction |
Choose the direction you want the cross fall to be reported relative to the alignment string. |
Thickness tab
Include Thickness | Check if you want thickness checking on the road. |
Bottom surface | Select a surface. |
Minimum thickness Maximum thickness |
Enter the tolerances to check against. |
Show non-conformance errors | Check if you want errors to be included in the body of the report. |
Edges tab
Include edge report | Check if you want edge checking on the road. |
Left alignment | Select a left alignment string. Option to change the selection highlight color and to select line from Reference files. |
Left extent Right extent |
Enter the extents you want to use to search for the points on either side of the left alignment string. |
Left tolerance Right tolerance |
Enter the tolerances to check against for the left alignment. |
Right alignment | Select a right alignment string. Option to change the selection highlight color and to select line from Reference files. |
Left extent Right extent |
Enter the extents you want to use to search for the points on either side of the right alignment string. |
Left tolerance Right tolerance |
Enter the tolerances to check against for the right alignment. |
Check vertical on edge point | Check if you want edge points to also report vertically. |
Summaries tab
Select header summaries to include | Check the summary fields you want to include in the top of the report. |
Details tab
Title | Enter a title for the report (for example, the project name). |
Custom image file | Select a “png” or “bmp” image file to be added to the top right corner of the report. E.g., company Logo or project image. This only appears if you have a Title filled out. |
Description | Enter a description for the report. |
Reference number | Enter a survey job reference number. |
Author | Enter the name of the report's author. |
Custom Header | Enter a user defined heading |
Custom Text | Enter a user defined text to go beside the Custom header |
Formatting tab
Colors |
Choose the colors to be used in the Excel Report. |
Visualization tab
Create visualization layers | Check if you want conformance information to be displayed on layers in TBC. |
Layer prefix | Enter a prefix to add to layer names. |
Text Height | Select the height of the text to be displayed on screen. |
Text Style | Select the text style for the text displayed on screen. |
Gap | This is the distance in metres that the insertion point of the text will be right/left of the node it is created for. |
Rotation | This is the rotation angle of the text that will be drawn. |
Draw leader line with gap | Check this to add a leader line when a gap has been used. |
Clear visualization layers | Check if you want the layers to be cleared before adding new data. |
Include data prefix | Check this to add a text prefix to each data value that is visualised. |
Data and prefixes | Check the boxes for the data you need to see on screen and adjust the prefixes that are used.
Detailed workflow instructions for creating reports using the pavement conformance report can be found below.