Command Description

The Insert Legend Table command enables the creation of legend tables for hatches, line styles and symbols using the definitions setup in an associated Feature Library. Select data from the project view and create a table containing one of each type displayed in plan view.

At the top of the command pane there is the ability to load and save a settings file. Once you have populated the command with the appropriate settings you can save it in a file that can be reloaded in the future.

  1. Click in the Select Objects field and then in a graphic view select all the lines, points and hatches you want to use in the table. Click Options for additional selection options.
  2. The Select button will add one of each type to the appropriate table from the selected objects.
  3. The Clear button will remove all objects from the tables.



One of each hatches selected will be displayed in the table. The angle, scale, transparency, and description are all editable prior to creating the table. The default description name is populated from the Pattern name of the Hatch. Untick the boxes that are not to be displayed.

Note: This will not select “User Defined” hatch patterns or CAD Hatches imported from dwg files.

Line Styles

One of each line style selected will be displayed in the table. The scale and description are editable prior to creating the table. The default description name is populated from the “name” of the line unless the line has no name and then it is the “line style” name. Untick the boxes that are not to be displayed.


One of each symbol selected will be displayed in the table. The description is editable prior to creating the table. The default description name is populated from the symbol name. Untick the boxes that are not to be displayed.

Note: This will only select and use symbols found in the associated FXL file.

  • Check the Allow user defined column widths box to set the width of the table columns manually instead of them being set using default widths and text scaling.

Table Properties:

  1. Click in the Upper Left Location selection field and either select a location by clicking in the graphic view or type in some coordinates to choose where the table is inserted. This point will be at the bottom left corner of the Title row.
  2. Choose either an existing layer or create a new layer to store the table on.
  3. Enter a Title if needed.
  4. Choose a Title Text Style or create a new text style.
  5. Choose a Title Text Colour.
  6. Choose a Header Text Colour to give the column headers a colour.
  7. Choose a Cell Text Style or create a new text style.
  8. Choose a Cell Text Colour.
  9. Give the Grid Lines a colour.
  10. Tick the Hide empty columns box if you do not want columns with no values displayed.
  11. Tick the Highlight empty cells box and select a cell colour if you wish to highlight the empty cells within the table.
  12. Click Apply to insert the table and turn on the appropriate layer to view. Note: The Apply button works on the tab that is currently active.

Note: This command does not work with CAD Blocks.


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