When using the "Legacy" export for machine files from TBC a Controller must be created to attach the export to for SCS900 and GCS900. This can be done in TBC (for GSC900) or by connecting the SCS900 controller to your PC.

You can also install an SCS900 or Siteworks emulator on your PC which will create a Site controller in the available list (Emulators available from your local SITECH Dealer). The version of the machine firmware should be known when creating the machine control data to make sure the data exported is correct for that machine.

  1.  Create new Controllers under the Construction Data tab. Click Construction Data → Controllers → Controllers.

  2. In the Controller Manager tab, you should have a “PC” Site Controller if you installed the emulator or your own controller if your connected it to your PC previously. Select from the available machines or click Create to create a new GCS900 machine.

  3. In the next window, name the controller, set the Controller Type to GCS900.

    Select the relevant Controller software version and click OK to finish.

    Note: enabling MS990 compatibility will output at .cfg file and create a sub-grid if using a geoid. This is for older machines.

  4. The newly created GCS900 machine is now created and can be seen under the Controller Manager window.
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