Before starting, ensure the following data is available:

  • a CSV file containing the local site control points.
  • a CSV of observed WGS84 co-ordinates and the format of the WGS84 co-ordinates is known, i.e. Degrees Minutes Seconds or Decimal Degrees.

Note the following examples.

  Lat Long
Global Co-ordinates S35°05'55.86172" E138°28'44.03179"
Degrees Minutes Seconds 35.055586172S 138.284403179E
Decimal Degrees -35.0988504778 138.478897719


Grid Control Points

  1. Start by importing the Local Grid Control Points. To open the import window, navigate to Home

    Data Exchange Import.

  2. In the import pane click the  button to open the file explorer and navigate to the folder containing the control point CSV data.
  3. Select the CSV file containing the Local Control Points and click Import.
    Note: CSV files can be drag and dropped into the plan view to import them. The only difference is the import settings cannot be changed using this method i.e. Setting import layer.
  4. The import Format Editor should display. Select the correct format for the control file, e.g. P,E,N,elev,Code (Control) (Point ID, Easting, Northing, Elevation, Feature Code, Control quality).
  5. Click Next to view the Import settings such as units and coordinate quality. The default settings should be OK. Confirm the control points are in the correct format in the Preview pane. Then click Import.
  6. Since there is no Datum yet, TBC will prompt you to use the first point from the CSV as a false origin for the Project. Click OK.
    The control points should be visible in the plan view.

WGS84 Points

  1. Repeat steps 1 to 3 from above to import CSV containing the WGS84 points. 

  2. The import Format Editor should again display. Choose the correct import format e.g. P,L,L,h, Code (Global) (Point ID, Latitude, Longitude, Height, Feature Code, Global coordinate system).

  3. Click Next twice to navigate to the General Properties. Ensure Control Quality is set to Survey.

  4. Click Next again to open the Fields properties. Ensure the Latitude and Longitude Units are correctly defined, i.e. Degrees Minutes Seconds or Decimal Degrees.

  5. Click Import.

    The Projection Definition will display. TBC will ask you where to plot these points relative to the control points. To make things simpler, confirm that the Easting and Northing are the co-ordinates of the control point related to the mentioned WGS84 point.
    Note: TBC will autofill these fields using the first control point and first WGS84 point from the files. 

  6. Click Ok in the Project Definition window.
    If the co-ordinates and import definitions are correct, the WGS84 points should be plotted close to the related control points, like the below image.
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