This tutorial outlines the workflow for exporting machine control data for use in GCS900 machines from TBC using the Machine Job Site Design Exporter under the export tab.
The data should be loaded into the TBC project. Also, ensure that either a coordinate system or a site calibration is available in .dc, .cal or .job file formats. These can be imported into TBC to geo-reference the data.
Note: A .CFG file can be used to geo-reference the data but only if it has been created using a local site calibration and not a publish system
- Navigate to Home → Data Exchange → Export.
- Click the construction tab. Scroll down to Machine Job Site Design Exporter and select it.
- Next choose the model type. The model type is used generate the heights in a machine. Model type options include:
- Surface: use this option to choose a standard surface that will be used in the machine/rover to reference 3D heights. Choose a clipping boundary if a portion of the surface is to be used.
- Road Surface: this option allows the selection of a surface and one or multiple alignments that are associated with the surface (alignment and surface must be coincident). For machines (GCS) only one alignment can be selected. Differences in how road cross-sections are displayed/generated between GCS and TBC occur. Click here for more information on these differences.
- 3D Linework: this option exports 3D CAD lines and linestrings as 3D lines in an .svl file. For machines, this is useful when digging trenches for stormwater or sewer lines or guiding a grader using a simple cross-slope.
- Material Layer: this option in used for take-offs where a specific material from the MSI manager can be exported out as a single surface.
- Choose the surface you wish to export. If you wish to use a portion of the surface chose a surface clipping boundary or leave it as <none>.
- With the design map box selected in the plan view select the desired line string data to export to the machine e.g. kerb strings. Click Add.
Note: The linestrings can be either 2D or 3D. - Click the button under file name. Choose a file location to save the exported data to and give it a name you wish to see in the machine. Click save.
- Choose GCS900 as the controller type. Then choose the controller software version e.g. 12.81. Change enable MS990 compatibility to yes if the data needs to be compatible with older machines.
- Finally click Export.