Dynaviews are links between the design space (main view) and page view (what is being printed). A box is created over the data and that is scaled to fit into a page.
Note: While they are primarily used for drafting, they can be also used when drawing in cutting planes to draw the information in the plan view for exporting.

To create a Dynaview in TBC:

  1. Navigate to Draughting → Dynaviews → Create Dynaview. 

  2. Give the Dynaview a relevant name.

  3. Insert the Width and Height on paper.
    Note: This information will be available in the Sheet name of the plans in the Project Explorer and will be dependent on the sheet size and if it is in plan or profile.

    For now skip over the scale setting.
  4. Next make sure that the Columns and Rows are set to 1.

  5. Click in the box under first sheet origin and then put the mouse in the view and zoom out until there is a box that appears hanging off the mouse pointer.
    This box shows the size of the dynaview at the scale specified above.

  6. Change the scale to fit the box over the desired area of the view.
    Note: The scale will be determined by a pre-defined list of scales and not just any number.

  7. When the scale is correct for the project, click in the view to place the dynaview over the project.
    This will start the Rotation option which can be ignored.

  8. Click Apply and Close at the bottom of the window to insert the Dynaview.
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